Pandemic? Let this be our motivation rather than our excuse! We’ve all missed our face-to-face Poets’ Haven gatherings, but no global emergency needs to keep us from producing an anthology that gives voice “in print” to the majority of our membership!
As of today, Friday, February 19, 2021, only 9 DAYS remain until the submission deadline of midnight on February 28, 2021. The deadline applies to both poetry and cover art submissions.
What’s the count, you ask?
As of this writing, I’ve received 24 cover art submissions (from nine different people) and 36 poems. This is a far cry from the 100 poems we were able to publish last year, so please let me urge you to send in your submissions soon. It’s my hope that we can demonstrate our commitment to producing a fine anthology even in such unusual times as this past year has brought us.
Submission guidelines for both poetry and cover art can be found at:
Please email your poem or cover art submission to:
Thanks, everyone!
Deborah Lawson
Managing Editor
Stroll of Poets Anthology 2020