A Message from the President

A Message from the President:
As the Haven Reading Series has concluded for the 2024/2025 season I would like to wish all members of the Stroll of Poets a very good summer break. This past season has proven to be very successful in many ways. Besides the very recognizable increase in attendance and participation in the Haven through venues at the Upper Crust Café and Audrey’s Bookstore, we also attracted friends and fellow poets from across North America to reconnect and share their words with us again through an online return to the Haven at Home Readings. The Stroll welcomed many new attendees and readers at these events. As well, the Stroll of Poets staged a successful Blinks event during The Edmonton Poetry Festival and reached out to the community with Fresh Verse plus readings at Allendale Community and the Lions Senior Center.
Thanks to all Stroll members for their initiation and/or participation in all of these Stroll events, the 30-30 and Pure Gold poetry prompts, the annual Anthology, and the upcoming Land acknowledgement publication.
Stay tuned for the return of these events next year along with new and exciting events being planned by your board members. Watch for opportunities for the membership to become involved in committees, participate in planning events, and our transition to a new Stroll of Poets Google Workspace. Please note the new contact information, associated with this transition, for the Stroll of Poets and all board members.
Thank you all for your continued support and enthusiasm for poetry and the Stroll of Poets Society.
In peace and poetry;
Max Vandersteen