Welcome back, poets!

As you know your membership entitles you to an 8-minute reading slot at one of our 2021/22 “Haven at Home” online Reading Series.

By following this link, you may go directly to the sign-up page on SignUp Genius. From the calendar, simply pick and click the date that works for you and put your full name in the sign up slot under “Comments.”  Mic Host spots are also available at the same place.

Please consider signing up sooner rather than later as this popular reading series tends to fill quickly!


For those Stroll members who weren’t able to pick up their anthologies on the first distribution date (May 22), we have scheduled a second pick-up date. We will also have a limited number of Parkland Poets anthologies on hand, as well as the three chapbooks edited for the Stroll by Markus Eymann.

Here are the details:

Pick-up Date:     Saturday, August 14, 2021
Time:                  1:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Location:            See below «

« In order to maintain privacy, rather than publishing the location in a publicly accessible newsletter, this information will be sent only to those who request it. Please send an email to the anthology editor, Deborah Lawson, at strollantho@writersguild.ab.ca. Location and other details will be sent to you.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Before coming to pick up your anthology, please make sure you are feeling well and have not had any exposure to COVID-19. Even though, as of this date, the City of Edmonton has relaxed or removed some of the COVID–19 restrictions, the safety of all our members and their loved ones is still paramount. Our distribution day volunteers will have access to gloves and masks, and will don them upon request. We want everyone to feel safe and comfortable as they come to pick up their anthologies. Your copy will be always be ready and waiting for you to pick it up in the future, when you are well and/or when the situation has stabilized.

2021 Stroll Anthology Cover Winner Announced!

Congratulations to Audrey Brooks, whose winning entry, “Symphony of Trees,” is a detail from the painting by Edmonton artist Sharon Abbott (used with permission), who is pleased that her painting, owned by Audrey, was chosen for the anthology cover.

Audrey has a particular affection for trees, for they intertwine roots to form a communication network. She says, “We could learn a lot from trees. They are sentient beings, an essential part of life on this planet.” 

Facilitator Wanted for Writing Circle

The Stroll of Poets Society is looking for a facilitator to lead a virtual Writing Circle to help members get feedback and edit their poems.

The facilitator will set guidelines and ensure that all participants have an opportunity to have their work discussed in a constructive manner. We need someone who is familiar with setting up and hosting online meetings, is familiar with poetry tools and techniques to help other writers, and who can lead the group’s discussions in a respectful, positive spirit.

The Writing Circle will take place in May and June this year. (The schedule will be finalized in consultation with the facilitator.) The successful candidate will receive a fee of $500 for their work. If you are interested in this position, please send an email  to strollquestions@gmail.com for further details. Please include a brief summary of your background and qualifications related to this role. Deadline May 5.