Up Next at the Haven – March 29

Monday, March 29, 2021, 7:00 pm, “Doors” 6:30 pm

Featured Readers: Rowan Hanf, Josephine LoRe, Rose Marie Sackela & Tyler DeWacht
Mic Host: Gary Garrison

Open Mic:  Sign-up (2-min. poem) New and first-time readers are always welcome and given priority during the Open Mic.

Zoom invite
If you know anyone who would like to join our online reading nights and is not a Stroll member please direct them to strollquestions@gmail.com.

Please note all requests for Zoom links to “Haven at Home” evenings need to be done before 5pm.

Stroll Membership Renewals

It’s that time of year again! Please note that memberships are up for renewal as of this year’s AGM.

New and established poets, friends or fans of poetry are welcome to join. 

Membership entitles you to:

  • Perform an 8-minute reading at one of the Poets’ Haven Readings
  • Publish one poem in our annual anthology 
  • Receive a copy of The Stroll of Poets Anthology for that year
  • Vote at our Annual General Meeting in March. (Check out the Bylaws.)
  • Receive the weekly Stroll Newsletter about upcoming poetry readings, events or volunteer opportunities

New members can join the Stroll HERE.

Returning members can renew their membership HERE.

Memberships renewals are: $25 regular / $20 students.

If you have any questions about Stroll membership please contact Ellen Kartz at ellen.kartz@writersguild.ab.ca.

2021 Online Annual General Meeting

All Stroll of Poets members are cordially invited to attend an on-line annual general meeting on Sunday, March 21. Registration will start at 1:30 with business beginning at 2 pm. Just a reminder that your current membership expires on that day. Any questions may be directed to strollquestions@gmail.com We hope that you’ll be able to join us.
Topic: Stroll Annual General Meeting
Time: Mar 21, 2021 01:30 PM Edmonton
Zoom link and meeting ID are in the Stroll newsletter

Up Next at the Haven – March 15

Monday, March 15, 2021, 7:00 pm, “Doors” 6:30 pm

Featured Readers: Trudy Grienauer, Gina Varty, Kayleigh Cline and Seaneen O’Rourke
Mic Host: Laurel Sproule

Open Mic:  Sign-up (2-min. poem) New and first-time readers are always welcome and given priority during the Open Mic.

Zoom invite
If you know anyone who would like to join our online reading nights and is not a Stroll member please direct them to strollquestions@gmail.com.

Please note all requests for Zoom links to “Haven at Home” evenings need to be done before 5pm.

Haven Season Extension

Due to the late start of our poetry reading series (launching the online “Haven at Home” October of 2020) we are extending the season to include the following dates:

Monday March 29th  and Monday April 12th

Please note that all the eight minute featured reader spots are filled from our wait list. Open mic readings of 2 minutes each are still available each night.

See you at the next “Haven at Home”, Monday March15th!