From the WayBack Machine: As the Steve Miller Band sang in ’76, “Time keeps on tickin’ tickin’ tickin’ … into the future.” But in this case, time is tickin’ toward publication of the Stroll of Poets Anthology 2023. Here’s what you need to know.
The deadline for both poetry and cover art submissions is Sunday, January 15, 2023, which is just over six (6) weeks away. To date, we’ve received only seven (yup, 7!!) poems.
Where to submit:
Please email your poem or cover art submission(s) to: strollantho@writersguild.ab.ca
Submission guidelines:
POETRY submissions”
How do you qualify to submit a poem? Just one simple criteria:
- You’re a paid-up member of the Edmonton Stroll of Poets.
It’s that easy!
COVER ART submissions:
You do not have to be a Stroll member to submit a cover art entry. The Cover Art Competition is open to all. We welcome photographs, drawings, etchings, sketches, details from a larger painting, graphic design art, or anything visually appealing that will fit on the anthology’s 8-1/2” x 9” cover. Subjects with a clear Edmonton connection are also appreciated. A limit of two cover art submissions will be accepted from any one person.