We have all recognized the impact of the COVID–19 situation, and after careful discussion, it has been decided to extend the deadline for submission of poems to the Stroll of Poets’ Anthology 2021. Members may now submit their poems up until midnight on Monday, March 15, 2021.
In a year when we’ve been prevented from meeting in person, it’s more important than ever that we provide an opportunity for our members to participate. Having your poem appear in the 2021 anthology is a great way for you to still take part, at a distance, in Edmonton’s poetry community.
To date, we’ve received approximately 65 poems. We definitely have room for more, so we urge you to take advantage of this great membership benefit and submit a poem to strollantho@writersguild.ab.ca.
This deadline extension applies only to poems, not to cover art. The cover art competition is now closed.
As well, a limited number of copies of the Stroll of Poets Anthology 2020 are available for purchase. If you would like to order, please go to https://www.strollofpoets.com/purchase-stroll-anthology/
Category: Uncategorised
Up Next at the Haven – March 1

Monday, March 1, 2021, 7:00 pm, “Doors” 6:30 pm
Featured Readers: Don Perkins, Elaine Elrod, Nancy McKenzie and Louise Farley
Mic Host: Naomi McIlwraith
Open Mic: Sign-up (2-min. poem) New and first-time readers are always welcome and given priority during the Open Mic.
Zoom invite
If you know anyone who would like to join our online reading nights and is not a Stroll member please direct them to strollquestions@gmail.com.
2021 Online Annual General Meeting

All Stroll of Poets members are cordially invited to attend an on-line annual general meeting on Sunday, March 21. Registration will start at 1:30 with business beginning at 2 pm. Just a reminder that your current membership expires on that day. Any questions may be directed to strollquestions@gmail.com We hope that you’ll be able to join us.
Zoom link to the online AGM is available through the Stroll newsletter.
The Edmonton Stroll of Poets would like to invite you to consider joining the leadership group of our exciting organization. For the upcoming 2021/2022 year we have vacancies to fill in the presidency and on the board.
If this is of interest to you please contact strollquestions@gmail.com for more information.
Anthology Update

Pandemic? Let this be our motivation rather than our excuse! We’ve all missed our face-to-face Poets’ Haven gatherings, but no global emergency needs to keep us from producing an anthology that gives voice “in print” to the majority of our membership!
As of today, Friday, February 19, 2021, only 9 DAYS remain until the submission deadline of midnight on February 28, 2021. The deadline applies to both poetry and cover art submissions.
What’s the count, you ask?
As of this writing, I’ve received 24 cover art submissions (from nine different people) and 36 poems. This is a far cry from the 100 poems we were able to publish last year, so please let me urge you to send in your submissions soon. It’s my hope that we can demonstrate our commitment to producing a fine anthology even in such unusual times as this past year has brought us.
Submission guidelines for both poetry and cover art can be found at:
Please email your poem or cover art submission to:
Thanks, everyone!
Deborah Lawson
Managing Editor
Stroll of Poets Anthology 2020
Up Next at the Haven – Feb. 15

Monday, February 15, 2021, 7:00 pm, “Doors” 6:30 pm
Featured Readers: Phyllis Shuell, Jo-Ann Godfrey, Ruth Anderson Donovan and Leslie Dawson
Mic Host: Max Vandersteen
Open Mic: Sign-up (2-min. poem) New and first-time readers are always welcome and given priority during the Open Mic.
Sign up
The Haven at Home schedule is currently full. Please contact strollquestions@gmail.com to be added to a wait list. You can view the upcoming Haven schedule HERE.
Zoom invite
If you know anyone who would like to join our online reading nights and is not a Stroll member please direct them to strollquestions@gmail.com.