Stroll of Poets Anthology 2025

Each year the Stroll publishes an anthology of poems submitted by its members. The Stroll of Poets Anthology is a diverse record of the poets who have supported the Stroll throughout its history.


To have a poem published in the Stroll of Poets Anthology 2025 you must be a paid-up member of the Edmonton Stroll of Poets Society.

General information, including acknowledgement of submissions

Please read carefully the POETRY SUBMISSION GUIDELINES and the COVER ART SUBMISSION GUIDELINES, as detailed below, to make sure your entry meets all the criteria. Poems and/or bios that do not meet the criteria may need to be cut, narrowed or shortened, or line breaks may need to be inserted. This may result in amendments to your bio or unintended changes to the meaning of your poem. Cover art may need to be trimmed to fit the 8-1/2″ x 9″ (21.6 cm x 22.9 cm) cover.

POETRY Submission Guidelines
(including email submissions and hard-copy submissions)

Every poet who is a paid-up member of the Edmonton Stroll of Poets Society is eligible and invited to submit one poem for inclusion in the anthology.

  1. The submission deadline is Monday, January 13, 2025.
  2. Each poem and bio must fit on one page of the anthology.
  3. Please give your poem a one-line title.
  4. Maximum length of poem: 32 lines. This includes:
    • one line for the title
    • one blank line between the title and the first line of the poem
    • a maximum of 30 lines for the poem itself, including any blank lines between stanzas (lines include the aforementioned blank lines between stanzas as well as lines for epigraphs, quotations, author/source references, etc.)
  5. Please use Times New Roman 11 point font (no variations). This is particularly important for poems that have graphic design components or specific formatting features. PLEASE NOTE: This is a change from previous years, in which the required font size was 12 point.
  6. Maximum width of each line of the poem: 75 characters. Spaces count as characters.
  7. Include your bio at the end of your poem, on the same page as your poem. Leave one line space between the end of your poem and your bio. Use your name as the “title” of your bio.
  8. Maximum length of bio: 65 words.

Email Submissions

  1. The best way to submit your poem is directly to the editor, Deborah Lawson, via email at:
  2. Please submit your poem and bio using only:
    • Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) format
      (this is the preferred format)
    • rich text file (.rtf) format.

Hard-Copy Submissions

  1. Follow the submission guidelines above for length, width, etc.
  2. Type your poem and bio on one 8-1/2” x 11” sheet of paper.
  3. Underneath your bio or, if necessary, on a separate sheet, include your name, address, telephone number and, if you have one, your email address.
  4. If you are submitting a hand-written poem, please be sure it is legible and that any indents or formatting features are also clearly legible.
  5. If you are mailing your poem, please send your poem, bio and contact information to:
    Stroll of Poets Anthology
    c/o Christyn Carter, Writers’ Guild of Alberta
    11759 Groat Road
    Edmonton, AB T5M 3K6

COVER ART Submission Guidelines

Imagine seeing your photograph or artwork featured on the cover of the Stroll of Poets Anthology 2024! This anthology will be found not only in the homes of the poets whose work appears in its pages, but also in local bookstores and at regular Stroll poetry readings and functions. Copies of the anthology may also be awarded as gifts or door prizes.

The Stroll of Poets offers a $100 Honorarium to the successful Cover Art Competition entrant. The anthology cover is selected through a blind judging process.

  1. Submission deadline is Monday, January 13, 2025.
  2. Please submit entries in either .jpeg format or .pdf format.
  3. Artwork must fit the anthology format of 8-1/2” x 9” (21.6 cm x 22.9 cm). Electronic submissions must have a resolution of no less than 300 ppi.
  4. Artwork may be in the form of photos, drawings or other visual art that can be scanned to conform to the given dimensions.
  5. Images that relate to poetry and/or to Edmonton are encouraged.
  6. Images may not contain identifiable people.
  7. No more than two submissions will be accepted from any one entrant.
    PLEASE NOTE: This is a change from the previous limit of three
    submissions per entrant.
  8. Please submit your artwork without showing your name or the title of the anthology itself on the cover art.
  9. On a separate page, include a cover letter showing your name, address, telephone number and, if you have one, your email address. Also provide a brief description of your submission (including its title, if it has one).
  10. Submit your cover art image and information:
    • via email to the anthology editor, Deborah Lawson, at
    • via postal mail to:
      Cover Art Competition
      Stroll of Poets Anthology
      c/o Christyn Carter, Writers’ Guild of Alberta
      11759 Groat Road
      Edmonton, AB  T5M 3K6

Acknowledgement of Receipt

The anthology editor will acknowledge receipt of all online and hard-copy poem submissions and all cover art submissions within two weeks (10 business days) of receipt. If, after that time, you have not received confirmation that your submission has been received, please contact the anthology editor, Deborah Lawson, at

Complimentary Copy & Launch Information

All Stroll members in good standing for the current season are entitled to receive one complimentary copy of the anthology.

Anthologies are traditionally distributed at the Stroll of Poets Annual General Meeting and Anthology Launch in March. However, if any public-gathering restrictions are in place at that time, details regarding distribution will be announced once alternative arrangements have been made.

Proofreading Bee

Details about the 2025 anthology Proofreading Bee will be coming soon! Information will be published in the Stroll newsletter nearer to the date.


For anthology enquiries, contact the editor, Deborah Lawson, at: